Nowadays technologies are very useful, even sometimes you think that without technologies you couldn’t live. They are useful in different aspects like sports, medicine, music, art, engineering, etc. The problem with technological instruments is that people become lazier for example the remote control, but I have to say that I couldn’t watch TV with it. With technologies you can get parameters more accurate and with this you will give a good diagnosis. In Physical Therapy the main technologies is internet, but this one is totally useful in all aspects, so other more specific to physical therapy is goniometer and the last one could be microscope.
This tool like I said before is useful in all aspects, because when you have a doubt you can surf in the internet and the find the answer, instead of to look for in a book, because this could be longer and make your work inefficient. I’m going to tell you my own experience with the famous internet. When I have had to do a work, report or analysis, I looked for information in the internet. In general this is a good way to do it, but sometimes you have to be careful, because not everything that goes online is true.
For physical therapists, this technological instrument is very useful, because this can give us information about the joint of the patient. The goniometer can help us to know range of motion of some joint and with this information we can decide which treatment we can do or how we can do it. We can infer if there is any pathology with the result if they are out of the normal parameters.
To science this instrument is indispensable, because most if the advances have been done with one. Of course more technological than we used in the university, because we are beginning in this area, so we have to learn how to use it first o simply to know the basics.
In conclusion I think that without technology, we couldn’t do things with great precision, and take us to a mistake in our treatment to the patient. We can’t forget that the technologies are a “tool”, something that helps us to do best our job, but we musn’t thin that technologies “do” our job. We can not allow that the develop of our mind stops because of the technologies. So we have to receive the help of the instruments and the most important use our mind.
viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2009
viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2009
The challenges that my discipline is currently facing are in different areas like technology, social matters and education. In technology, physical therapy has a lot of kind of machines that are used to rehab people with different kind of disability. Also there is another kind of implements like balls, sticks, ropes, weights, etc. The big problem here is that the technological machines are too expensive, so most of the public hospital doesn’t have it, but you compare with a clinic, they have many machines that are very modern. If the physical therapist is working in place where there are not a lot of technologies, he can invent or imagine how he can do an exercise to patient with basic implements. When this occurs, you would know who is a good physical therapist.
Respect to social matters, I think that physical therapy is in a high level, but not so much like medicine. People when think in physical therapy, they always say: Oh! You are going to do a very good massage!!. But if you think in a physical therapist doesn’t do just that. This could be resolve with more publicity of physical therapy, but I really don’t know why people think that, because here in Chile we have an institution very important called “Teletón”. Teletón is popular and with this people can see the function of a physical therapist.
A Physical therapist creates a big connection with his patients, because he stayed during all the rehabilitation of the patient. At the end of the therapy, patients are always very grateful, because the physical therapist changes their lives.
In the third area that I mention at the beginning is education. Respect of this I think that the best place to learn physical therapy is in the University of Chile, because this university was the first one in all the country, so they have a lot of experience. If you decide to study in there, you can be sure that you going to be a excellent physical therapy. After university, you can make different types of training courses. In my opinion I think that these kinds of courses are good, but I would prefer to go another country to do some kind of these training courses, maybe would be better.
Respect to social matters, I think that physical therapy is in a high level, but not so much like medicine. People when think in physical therapy, they always say: Oh! You are going to do a very good massage!!. But if you think in a physical therapist doesn’t do just that. This could be resolve with more publicity of physical therapy, but I really don’t know why people think that, because here in Chile we have an institution very important called “Teletón”. Teletón is popular and with this people can see the function of a physical therapist.
A Physical therapist creates a big connection with his patients, because he stayed during all the rehabilitation of the patient. At the end of the therapy, patients are always very grateful, because the physical therapist changes their lives.
In the third area that I mention at the beginning is education. Respect of this I think that the best place to learn physical therapy is in the University of Chile, because this university was the first one in all the country, so they have a lot of experience. If you decide to study in there, you can be sure that you going to be a excellent physical therapy. After university, you can make different types of training courses. In my opinion I think that these kinds of courses are good, but I would prefer to go another country to do some kind of these training courses, maybe would be better.
viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2009
Hi everyone today!
I’m going to talk about my faculty. Here in the faculty the infrastucture is very poor. Most of the building are too old and this could be very dangerous in case of a earthquake, because old buildings don’t have the technology than the new ones. In other way the falculty don’t have good computers. The faculty need more green areas. The current computers are so slow and you always have problems to use one, for differents reasons like the password doesn’t work or the Internet is too slow… etc. But there are not only problems for example I can say that the library is very comfortable in winter. You sometimes think that is a little small, because is crowded in period of exams. Other problem here is the parking is too small, so you have to arrive very early in the morning to catch one. All this thing that I mention have to be improved, but the big and the unique problem is the money. There are other kind of problems like the teachers sometimes speak too low, or the teacher doesn’t arrive on time to classes, or something worse like they don’t warn when there are not classes and all the students come and they have to go back home. To this problem we don’t need money. The solution could be to talk with teachers or the faculty contract other. To the first problem, the faculty more money to resolve it, but now the problem is how to get the money?. The real benefits could be the students will be a little bit more motived, but this is not all real. The thing that I’m sure is would be better is with more green areas , places where the sutdent can rest.
I’m going to talk about my faculty. Here in the faculty the infrastucture is very poor. Most of the building are too old and this could be very dangerous in case of a earthquake, because old buildings don’t have the technology than the new ones. In other way the falculty don’t have good computers. The faculty need more green areas. The current computers are so slow and you always have problems to use one, for differents reasons like the password doesn’t work or the Internet is too slow… etc. But there are not only problems for example I can say that the library is very comfortable in winter. You sometimes think that is a little small, because is crowded in period of exams. Other problem here is the parking is too small, so you have to arrive very early in the morning to catch one. All this thing that I mention have to be improved, but the big and the unique problem is the money. There are other kind of problems like the teachers sometimes speak too low, or the teacher doesn’t arrive on time to classes, or something worse like they don’t warn when there are not classes and all the students come and they have to go back home. To this problem we don’t need money. The solution could be to talk with teachers or the faculty contract other. To the first problem, the faculty more money to resolve it, but now the problem is how to get the money?. The real benefits could be the students will be a little bit more motived, but this is not all real. The thing that I’m sure is would be better is with more green areas , places where the sutdent can rest.
viernes, 23 de octubre de 2009
Hi everyone!. Today I’m going to talk about holidays destinations. The kinds of places that I would like to go in holidays is somewhere with a lot of history and culture, because I think the most important about trips is to know and to be someone more intellectual. I don’t like at all places like "El Caribe", because I wouldn’t spend money to something that don’t satisfied me. Maybe that kind of places could be very relax, but I prefer spend my time in other kinds of places. So I’d rather places like Asia ,Europe and Africa. Those are continents with a lot of culture and you lived experiences that can change your life. And the main place is Chile because you have to know about your own country. I would like to met all Chile and then visit other countries.
Maybe this can be repetitive,but I have to said it. The best place that I had great time was in England with my best friend. That was a experience of life, because We lived alone in a foreign country and we were 19 years old. We met many important places like Buckingham Palace, Stonehenge, Big Ben, etc.
Well to be honest I don’t have any plans to the next holiday summer. I will try to think places in Chile that I would like to go with my family or friends. First I’m going to tallk about places that I would like with my family that could be the far south, because We ‘ve been in the North 2 years ago by car and we ‘ve been in the South 6 years old. So I think We have to meet all our Country. Maybe We will stay in a small cottage in wherever , because we don’t like to plan everything. The second that I want to talk is to travel with friends, Something that I forgot to say before is I wouldn’t like to go a intellectual place with a lot of friends , just one or more people, because kinds of trips are more personal. Well to go and share with friends, I prefer to go to the beach or a place very relax. A place where you can have fun!
Maybe this can be repetitive,but I have to said it. The best place that I had great time was in England with my best friend. That was a experience of life, because We lived alone in a foreign country and we were 19 years old. We met many important places like Buckingham Palace, Stonehenge, Big Ben, etc.
Well to be honest I don’t have any plans to the next holiday summer. I will try to think places in Chile that I would like to go with my family or friends. First I’m going to tallk about places that I would like with my family that could be the far south, because We ‘ve been in the North 2 years ago by car and we ‘ve been in the South 6 years old. So I think We have to meet all our Country. Maybe We will stay in a small cottage in wherever , because we don’t like to plan everything. The second that I want to talk is to travel with friends, Something that I forgot to say before is I wouldn’t like to go a intellectual place with a lot of friends , just one or more people, because kinds of trips are more personal. Well to go and share with friends, I prefer to go to the beach or a place very relax. A place where you can have fun!
viernes, 16 de octubre de 2009
Neck Pain:
This kind of pain is very common in the society,so we have to give advices to people about what kind of treatments are useful to reduce it.
There are three treatments very successful:
- Drug treatment: in this kind treatment you have to be very careful, because you choose the medicine that you’re going to take by your own would very dangerous to your health. So you must go to the doctor and ask for some medicine are going to reduce your pain. This treatment is not the best but at the moment is very effective.
- Mobilisation done by a Physical Therapy: this treatment is the best and most of the time is the more effective. So you have to visit a physical therapist, and the first that he is going to do is to feel and touch in differents points your neck, although he is going to touch it in differents positions. Then he is going to do some exercises to reduce the pain.
- Maniputalion done by a chiropractic: this treatment is not very recommended because sometimes people have side effects and this would be dangerous. Chiropratic do sharp , short and fast movements and this would be painfully. The target of this technical is to push a joint slightly further than it would usually move.
This kind of pain is very common in the society,so we have to give advices to people about what kind of treatments are useful to reduce it.
There are three treatments very successful:
- Drug treatment: in this kind treatment you have to be very careful, because you choose the medicine that you’re going to take by your own would very dangerous to your health. So you must go to the doctor and ask for some medicine are going to reduce your pain. This treatment is not the best but at the moment is very effective.
- Mobilisation done by a Physical Therapy: this treatment is the best and most of the time is the more effective. So you have to visit a physical therapist, and the first that he is going to do is to feel and touch in differents points your neck, although he is going to touch it in differents positions. Then he is going to do some exercises to reduce the pain.
- Maniputalion done by a chiropractic: this treatment is not very recommended because sometimes people have side effects and this would be dangerous. Chiropratic do sharp , short and fast movements and this would be painfully. The target of this technical is to push a joint slightly further than it would usually move.
viernes, 4 de septiembre de 2009
- What is your opinion of Transantiago?A) In what way(s) is it better or worse than the pre-Transantiago system?B) Compare and describe your experience with the new system a) when it started and b) now.C) What changes would you apply in order to make it better/more effective in the future?* Mention any other points you think are important.- Leave a comment on 2 of your classmates' posts.- Number of words: 200 - 250
Hi everyone! Today I'm going to talk about Transantiago. In my opinion I think that is a good idea,but here in Chile is very difficult that people learn how to use it. People have to learn a lot of things about how to pay, they have to get used to pay with a little card instead of to pay to the driver with money and this is a big problem, because people are very lazy to learn. I think the base of the proyect is great, because in develop countries is working fantastic. In there, people are weelling to learn and this is the key to making the system works correctly. Transantiago is better than the pre-Transantiago system in the way how to pay is more efficient. Other advantage is that the underground is conected with the buses, so you can do combinations with out pay twice. When I had taken a bus I really noticed that the bus driver stops in the bus stop and before I always when I was waiting the bus they never stop, I think is because of my school clothes. Now most of the times they stop when a student wants to take the bus. When the Transantiago started was very difficult to take a bus, because for example I didn't know where were the buses stop. And the most important is that the system was very disorganized and now the situation have improved, but sometimes you can see people waiting a lot of time for a bus.
I think that to the system works better is put more buses on the street to do the system more effective.
Hi everyone! Today I'm going to talk about Transantiago. In my opinion I think that is a good idea,but here in Chile is very difficult that people learn how to use it. People have to learn a lot of things about how to pay, they have to get used to pay with a little card instead of to pay to the driver with money and this is a big problem, because people are very lazy to learn. I think the base of the proyect is great, because in develop countries is working fantastic. In there, people are weelling to learn and this is the key to making the system works correctly. Transantiago is better than the pre-Transantiago system in the way how to pay is more efficient. Other advantage is that the underground is conected with the buses, so you can do combinations with out pay twice. When I had taken a bus I really noticed that the bus driver stops in the bus stop and before I always when I was waiting the bus they never stop, I think is because of my school clothes. Now most of the times they stop when a student wants to take the bus. When the Transantiago started was very difficult to take a bus, because for example I didn't know where were the buses stop. And the most important is that the system was very disorganized and now the situation have improved, but sometimes you can see people waiting a lot of time for a bus.
I think that to the system works better is put more buses on the street to do the system more effective.
viernes, 28 de agosto de 2009
Hi everyone!. Today I'm going to talk about which country I would like to go. The first one that comes to my mind is England, specifically London. I've been there and I fell in love with London and now my dream is to go back there. So that is the place that I would like to go like first option. London is an amazing city, like another world. I would like to go there because a lot of reasons to say some of them I can say that people are very polite . If you are walking on the street,you can notice, for example in the underground the people that go slowly walk on the right side and the other people that go fast walk on the left side. This reason is very important for me because I feel proud of that little things that make your country different.
I know about London that the architecture is wonderfull, because is very old ,there a lot of castles when you are seeing one, you can't believe that so many years ago someone did that or something simpler that is kings and queens lived in that castles and you can into, for me that experience is unique.
In London I would like to walk around the city and see everything ,good and bad things to learn more about how the london people live. Anyway I would like to do this in any country , because I think is the best way to know deeply the country.
Another reason is that I like the language and I love British accent. I would like to live there for a while for the same reasons that I would like to go back.
I know about London that the architecture is wonderfull, because is very old ,there a lot of castles when you are seeing one, you can't believe that so many years ago someone did that or something simpler that is kings and queens lived in that castles and you can into, for me that experience is unique.
In London I would like to walk around the city and see everything ,good and bad things to learn more about how the london people live. Anyway I would like to do this in any country , because I think is the best way to know deeply the country.
Another reason is that I like the language and I love British accent. I would like to live there for a while for the same reasons that I would like to go back.
viernes, 14 de agosto de 2009
Good evening everyone again, but now I'm in my second term and I'm going to tell you about the good and bad points of the first one.
The last term I had learnt a lot differents areas of the science like histology , a bit of anatomy (I say a bit because this term I keep that subject, so I just know about head, arms , shoulders and torax), chemistry , physic , genetic, biochemistry and biology. There was only one subject that I enjoyed a lot and it was anatomy . All the others subjects I didn't like overall biochemistry.
Other point very important is that I didn't have a lot of time because I had to study very hard.So I couldn't visit my friends or to do something very essential for me that is stay with my family on the weekends . My boyfriend couldn't visit me frequently, because I always was busy .
Despite of this sometimes I had free time and I spent it to do the things that I couldn't do.
I think that here in the university I met very kind people and I think we will be very good friends. And this is very important to me to have a support here.
The most important challenge that I had to face was to do a oral exam of first opportunity and the most difficult was to face three teachers. I became very nervous and I felt in blank , so I failed the exam . Then I had to do the exam of second opportunity and finally I passed.
In conclusion a think it was a term very hard ,but I did it and I feel very proud of myself .
The last term I had learnt a lot differents areas of the science like histology , a bit of anatomy (I say a bit because this term I keep that subject, so I just know about head, arms , shoulders and torax), chemistry , physic , genetic, biochemistry and biology. There was only one subject that I enjoyed a lot and it was anatomy . All the others subjects I didn't like overall biochemistry.
Other point very important is that I didn't have a lot of time because I had to study very hard.So I couldn't visit my friends or to do something very essential for me that is stay with my family on the weekends . My boyfriend couldn't visit me frequently, because I always was busy .
Despite of this sometimes I had free time and I spent it to do the things that I couldn't do.
I think that here in the university I met very kind people and I think we will be very good friends. And this is very important to me to have a support here.
The most important challenge that I had to face was to do a oral exam of first opportunity and the most difficult was to face three teachers. I became very nervous and I felt in blank , so I failed the exam . Then I had to do the exam of second opportunity and finally I passed.
In conclusion a think it was a term very hard ,but I did it and I feel very proud of myself .
sábado, 27 de junio de 2009
Personally I find that the picture's activity and video's activity were more interactive, this make the learning more entertaining and easy. In this kind of exercises you can relation it to our lifes and see how the themes affects in good or bad ways. For example in the picture's activities I could remember great moments and that was very interesting to me and the other exercise help me to see problems of system education from other point of view and create a opinion,Sir Ken Robinson shows the system education like a challenge that is work of everyone to improve it. By other way I think that this blogging experience was useful for the writing and reading ,but it wasn't very productive for the listening and speaking abilities, because you need a lot of time to improve your English and 3 hours a week is not enough to do it. The best way to speak English fluently is been in a place where you are in a constant interaction with it.English becomes a need, so you need to manage a basic level of it to survive. The advantages of blogging are that you can read and compare the tasks of your classmates and that helps you to get a complete comprehension of the idea that you are working at. Other advantage and I think the most important is that in writing activity you can keep your level of English, because if you don't have a training , your level of English could be decrease. Anyway, I try to listen music English or see a movie ,and this things contribute with my develop of listening ability. I try and try to listen anything in English but is very difficult for me so my progress is slow. The disadvantages of blogging experience could be that you don't know about your mistakes because the teacher can't correct with a pen and put a cross if you have one. Only you can know about the mark ,for that reason I would like to write in a notebook and you have to show to the teacher and then you can learn about your own mistakes. In this moment I'm sure that I have a lot of mistakes but I can't correct them, because I don't know which they are.
Good evening, today the task was to watch a video of Ken Robinson,specifically he talked about the schools kill creativity. He did a critical of the system education, because this kind of system affects the creativity of the children , when they are about 5 years old or less they don't have fear to be wrong. So when they start the school process ,they notice that sometimes could be wrong ,for example when they are taking a test of maths and they get a bad mark,this kind of situation make them feel frightened about. And this is other point very important because he says that education only cares about the subjects that are useful to work with maths and languages,and leave out the arts like music and dance. In my opinion I think that he is right, because all of us have some art material and education is not helping to a real development of this area.
viernes, 19 de junio de 2009
Good evening everyone! Today I'm going to talk about my ideal job that would be for example in a place where I will able to help disabled kids like Teleton. The qualities and skills that I would need to do in this job in the best way possible is with a solid base of knowledge and technics like who to deal with the patients and all of this I'm going to get at the University of Chile, because in this way I could do my best and the improving of the patients would be better.
I think I would be good in this job, because I like helping people and more if it is with children. Other point that is important is the formation of this university that is the best in Chile. So when I'm applying to a job ,maybe is going a little easier that other physical therapists of other university for example private universities. The difficult to find this kind of job could be that most of my classmates will like to work in something like this job, but I think if you are good in your area, you will find the job that you want.
I think I would be good in this job, because I like helping people and more if it is with children. Other point that is important is the formation of this university that is the best in Chile. So when I'm applying to a job ,maybe is going a little easier that other physical therapists of other university for example private universities. The difficult to find this kind of job could be that most of my classmates will like to work in something like this job, but I think if you are good in your area, you will find the job that you want.
viernes, 12 de junio de 2009
Hi again , now I'm going to talk about which is my favourite subject this term. The subject is Anatomy, because I like to learn about human body.I think that is very interesting, because is exciting to know about your own body, How is working?,How is made? , that questions you can't answer without study, because to learn that kind of knowledge you need to expend a lot of time. And the most important about this subject that is going to be one of the most useful subjects when I'm working in the future, because I'm going to work with people and I must to know about that. In anatomy you never will study everything ,because there are always more to learn. This subject is taught by a lot of teachers most of them are very good like Miguel Soto, Rodolfo Sanzana and Ximena Rojas , for me she is the best. I like how she teaches , she is very kind and friendly. In this semester I have learnt things that I never imagine that I will know, for example I learnt the most of head and neck and now I'm learning about arms.
Good evening everyone! Today I'm going to talk about something that is very interesting to me, because I have to talk about what I would like to be doing 5 years from now. For that time , I would like to be a very good professionally in my area, I would like to be helping people to have a good rehabilition and the most important give them a good quality of life. In 2 or 3 years more I would like to travel to another country to finish my major for example Spain or England, because if I do that ,here in Chile I could have more opportunities and options of jobs, but I'm not sure about to come back to Chile . I think I would like to live in one of countries that I said. In there ,the culture is totally diferent and I prefer that to my life. In 5 years I would like to be a independent person, because I don't like depending on of someone. In a far future about 10 years , I would like to have a family with 4 kids , but that is a dream I don't konw if I can do it , but that is my ideal future.
viernes, 5 de junio de 2009
Hi , today I'm going to talk about someone that I think is the best in my area at the moment. In my opinion the best is a teacher of anatomy, his name is Rodolfo Sanzana . He is a physical therapist. He teaches very well and his powerpoints are very clear . He studied in this univerisity and that is the best reason to say that he is one of the best physical therapist in Chile. In his classes ,he motivates all the students to learn anatomy and he explains very well the conteins. He is very friendly with all the students and the most important he motivated me to do my work the best as possible. Here in the blog I can't upload information or demostrations about his job because I must ask him first if I can do it. Finally ,I want to say that he is a example to follow.
viernes, 15 de mayo de 2009
Hi! Today I'm going to tell you about my career Physical Therapy. I chose this career because I like everything about human body, for example know parts of the body is very interesting for me.I have to say something very important that I'm not very convinced to study this,because I don't know what I like . Last year , I was studying Engineering ,but I didn't like it . So, now I'm trying to do the best in Physical Therapy. At the moment I liking a lot .
The professionals in my area contribute to society for example helping people with challenges in theirs life , in other field the professionals can work in sport area training people who practice diferents kind of sport.
The tools that I need to do the best way my job in the future is with a solid base of knowledge and technology . I need service-oriented ,because is essential to work without this the work could be a nightmare. I think If you enjoy your job , you will be a better professional.
My favourite subject is Anatomy ,because is interesting , I enjoy to learn about the human body .
The professionals in my area contribute to society for example helping people with challenges in theirs life , in other field the professionals can work in sport area training people who practice diferents kind of sport.
The tools that I need to do the best way my job in the future is with a solid base of knowledge and technology . I need service-oriented ,because is essential to work without this the work could be a nightmare. I think If you enjoy your job , you will be a better professional.
My favourite subject is Anatomy ,because is interesting , I enjoy to learn about the human body .
viernes, 8 de mayo de 2009

Hi everyone , today I'm going to tell you about my favourite photograph. The photograph was taken in London , my favourite city and the best of this photograph is with who I'm . I'm with my best friend ,her name is Paula. She is the best I love she.
About photograph I can say a lot of things, if I say everything , I will take so much time. So, I will say a few of them.
This photograph was taken on January the sixth in this year . That day was very cold, the temperature was about below 10 celsius degrees, the coldest day in my life.We went to London to practice our English in Bell Institute and after classes we decided to visit Big Ben and London eye .This places are next to Thames River so, it was very windy. Although of all this things was a fantastic day, because we were very happy about the trip of our lifes.Our parents are the best and we are very lucky.The picture nobody took because we put the camera in a lamp post and we put the timer. It was automatic.
I like the picture because of the place is amazing. I was in London during one month with my best friend. This experience is unique and unforgettable. Would you imagine how could be stay in best place in the world and with a person who is really important , who has been in all the moments most important in your life since you are 6 years old?
martes, 28 de abril de 2009
Hi everyone , this ocassion I'm going to talk about of a useful website for me . Actually I don't have any ... but What can I say?... I think ISI knowledge is very interesting website and the most important useful . In this page you can find articuls about something that you need information ,but the most of the articuls are in English ,maybe this can be a problem ,but in this way I can practice mine.I know this page thanks to a subject called "Búsqueda Bibliográfica",because we have to do a homework .
Also other useful website is ,here you must be a member ,you need a login and password to enter . In this page I can download the information that the teachers upload for all the students and other point important of this page is I can check my marks.I knew "u-cursos" ,because the university gave me a login and password. And of course Google is always a option to look for .
Also other useful website is ,here you must be a member ,you need a login and password to enter . In this page I can download the information that the teachers upload for all the students and other point important of this page is I can check my marks.I knew "u-cursos" ,because the university gave me a login and password. And of course Google is always a option to look for .
viernes, 17 de abril de 2009

My favourite piece of technology is my notebook. The brand is Sony VAIO the model is CR-340 and it is white . I like a lot ,it's beautiful .
The most importante of this piece of technology is very useful to do my work in the university, because I can find information ,I can download text of each subject in a especific webpage in internet of the university , I can check my mails and I can comunicate with friends from everywhere of the world. For example I have a Spanish friend that I met in London , and he has become very important in my life , thanks to the notebook I can keep in touch with him and with more people that I can't visit during the year or for a long time.
I got it the last year about 10 months ,when my father give me in June. I'm very pleasant with this present . I don't use it very often ,but I try to use as much is possible ,because I enjoy to speak with my friends. I think I use the computer twice a week more or less.
I think the life without the computer would be difficult in the sense of far-away friends .
I think it's very useful ,but I could live without it , because I can find the information to the university in the library, and with my friends I can visit them in their houses.
The most importante of this piece of technology is very useful to do my work in the university, because I can find information ,I can download text of each subject in a especific webpage in internet of the university , I can check my mails and I can comunicate with friends from everywhere of the world. For example I have a Spanish friend that I met in London , and he has become very important in my life , thanks to the notebook I can keep in touch with him and with more people that I can't visit during the year or for a long time.
I got it the last year about 10 months ,when my father give me in June. I'm very pleasant with this present . I don't use it very often ,but I try to use as much is possible ,because I enjoy to speak with my friends. I think I use the computer twice a week more or less.
I think the life without the computer would be difficult in the sense of far-away friends .
I think it's very useful ,but I could live without it , because I can find the information to the university in the library, and with my friends I can visit them in their houses.
viernes, 27 de marzo de 2009
My name is Katherine Santander, and I'm 19 years old. I'm studying Physical Therapy at the Univesity of Chile. I like my major so much ,and I'm very happy with my choice now. Last year I was studying Engineering,but I didn't like it , because I don't want to study that during 6 years of my life. It's stressful and awful.
I was born in Santiago and all my life I have lived here.I live in Quinta Normal with my grandparents, my mother, my cat and my dog. I love my family , they are very essential in my life. I love my cat. She's very cute and it was my Christmas's present from my boyfriend. My boyfriend is Mathias and he is 20 years old . I love him, because he is lovely and funny, I have very great times with him . He is studying Biotechnology .
I studied at Pedro de Valdivia school . there I met my most important friends, one of them is Paula , she is 19 years old and she is studying to be a singer, Jorge and Sebastian are 19 too and both are studying Engineering , they are very good people.
I was born in Santiago and all my life I have lived here.I live in Quinta Normal with my grandparents, my mother, my cat and my dog. I love my family , they are very essential in my life. I love my cat. She's very cute and it was my Christmas's present from my boyfriend. My boyfriend is Mathias and he is 20 years old . I love him, because he is lovely and funny, I have very great times with him . He is studying Biotechnology .
I studied at Pedro de Valdivia school . there I met my most important friends, one of them is Paula , she is 19 years old and she is studying to be a singer, Jorge and Sebastian are 19 too and both are studying Engineering , they are very good people.
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